Tag: sports


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  • I decided to make a baby sports bag set to give my cousin for her baby shower. I had this idea on my to-do list for years, so an invite to a shower for an expected baby boy was the push I needed to finally create it! I decided to include a baseball, basketball, football, and soccer ball. I wanted to keep going and make other sports balls, but the project took a little longer than planned and the bag only holds so many balls, so I decided to stop after the soccer ball!

    This purchase includes 10 PDFs. I have included two PDF patterns for EACH pattern. One with detailed pictures – and one with NO pictures (in case of printing and you don’t wish to print all the pictures).

    1. Baby Sports Bag with pictures
    2. Baby Sports Bag without pictures
    3. Basketball with pictures
    4. Basketball without pictures
    5. Baseball with pictures
    6. Baseball without pictures
    7. Soccer ball with pictures
    8. Soccer ball without pictures
    9. Football with pictures
    10. Football without pictures


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